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James L. Talbert, MD Memorial Lectureship

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    Gainesville, FL See details


The UF Division of Pediatric Surgery presents the James L. Talbert, MD Memorial Lectureship. With Dr. Talberts passing in 2019, this lectureship will continue his legacy in perpetuity. This event will also feature a celebration of Dr. Talberts life and memory. As a part of a celebration of his life, we will be hosting a Research Symposium and luncheon after the lecture in the Harrell Medical Education Building. We hope you will attend and join us in honoring Dr. Talbert. Dr. Talbert bestowed a remarkable legacy both at the University of Florida and throughout the state of Florida where he single-handedly established pediatric surgery in 1967. Under his keen guidance and mentorship, many surgical residents chose to become pediatric surgeons and subsequent leaders in the field. He remained a passionate advocate for childrens surgical needs throughout his career from the victims of traumatic injury to those suffering from cancer, as well as neonates with severe congenital anomalies. Dr. Talbert was instrumental in developing the first intensive care unit for children in Florida. He accomplished so many things over the course of his career, and they cannot possibly all be listed. Continue to check back for additional details about the lectureship. If youd like to make a memorial gift to help us fully endow the James L. Talbert, MD Lectureship Fund, visit and donate to the James Lewis Talbert Lectureship in Pediatric Surgery (Fund 007195).



Harrell Medical Education Building
1104 Newell Drive
Gainesville, FL 32601