Drug and Therapy Bulletins
Drugs & Therapy Bulletin is a monthly publication by the Department of Pharmacy Services and the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee of UF Health. This newsletter highlights the most important drug topics that challenge our department.
Please click on the desired issue to view the .pdf document.
2014, Volume 28
October, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Medication Safety Corner: High Alert Medications
- Bedside Barcode Medication Administration – Scanning the Horizon
June/July, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- FDA Removes High-dose Acetaminophen in Combination Products
May, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- ACC/AHA New Cholesterol Guidelines
March, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- Buprenorphine Ordering at UF Health Shands Hospital
- FDA Lifts Restrictions on Rosiglitazone (Avandia®)
February, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Insulin Pen vs. Insulin Vial Use: Balancing the Risks
2013, Volume 27
December, Number 11
- Formulary Update
- Re-dosing of Reversal Agents in the Inpatient Setting
November, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Patient’s Own Medication in the Inpatient Setting
- Fearing the Fluoroquinolones
- 2013 Annual Index
October, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- Oral Contraceptive Use in the Inpatient Setting
- Resistant to Change: Antimicrobial Resistance in 2013
August/September, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- News: Factor in the criteria
- A New Plan for Plan B
July, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- Pay for Delay (generics)
- Editorial Change
June, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- How do I pronounce generic drug names?
May, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- The Route Less Traveled
- High-priority, Restricted-distribution drugs
April, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- Formulary Categories
- A New Online Formulary
- Nursing’s Medication and Administration Policy
March, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Why isn’t hydrocodone listed in the Formulary?
- Alternatives when an NSAID fails?
February, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- Drug Dosing in Renal Impairment
- New Drugs in 2012
January, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Why we still use animal products
- New C. difficile treatment algorithm endorsed
2012, Volume 26
November/December, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Delete codeine from the Formulary?
- Compounding pharmacies and fungal meningitis
- 2012 Annual index
October, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- Oral Contraceptives and Thromboembolic Risk
- Medication Safety Subcommittee
- CYP2C19 Reporting Changes
August/September, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- Can dabigatran CAUSE clots?
July, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- Medicaid restricts oxycodone prescribing for children
- Should the inpatient use of TNF-alpha drugs be restricted?
June, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Don’t get burned: Use sunscreen appropriately
May, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- Updated pharmacokinetic consult policy
- Mandatory Oral Hypotensive Administration Instructions
- Anticoagulation Management at Shands at UF
April, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- Update on Drug Shortages
- Is the PDR Obsolete?
March, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Opioid Prescribing in “Naive” or “Tolerant” Patients
- Using Epic to Document Criteria for Use
- What’s all the hype…about hyperglycemia?
February, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- New Drugs in 2011
- Pardon My Language: What is PML?
- New Personalized Medicine Subcommittee
January, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Three Routes of Acetaminophen:
Three Ways to Achieve the Same Result - Cardiovascular Drug-Induced DM
Drugs & Therapy Bulletin is a monthly publication by the Department of Pharmacy Services and the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee of UF Health. Each month, this newsletter highlights the most important drug topics that challenge our department.
The contents of our archived volumes are listed below. Please click on the desired issue to view the .pdf document.
2011, Volume 25
November/December 2011, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- The Formulary and the P&T Committee
- 2011 Annual Index
October 2011, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- Restrict IV acetylcysteine use for the prevention of radiocontrast- induced nephropathy
- Bisphosphonates and atypical femur fractures: A bone of contention
September 2011, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- New Florida law for controlled substances
July 2011, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- If to err is human, is CPOE divine?
- P&T committee-approved authorized changes to med lists
- Hey! Stop buggin’ me! General characteristics of insect repellants
June 2011, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- The truth about drug fever
May 2011, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- Prescription drug trends 2010
April 2011, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- What’s so special about specialty pharmacies?
- SALAS: Arista® versus Arixtra®
March 2011, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Proposal: Delete IV Phenergan® from the Formulary
February 2011, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- Abandoned prescriptions?
- New drugs in 2011
January 2011, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- DTaP and Tdap: Understanding the letters
- Is erythromycin preferred to azithromycin as a prokinetic?
- Editorial: Twenty-five years of Bulletin\
2010, Volume 24
November 2010, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Oral erythromycin for gastroparesis: The more stable choice?
- Do not “Do Not Substitute”
- Desvenlafaxine-Venlafaxine interchange (correction)
- 2010 Annual index
October 2010, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents: When good turns evil
September 2010, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- Cation-exchange resins for hyperkalemia: The evidence may leave you in a bind
July/August 2010, Number
- Formulary Update
- Top drugs in 2009
June 2010, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Investigational drug information “Case Reporting”
- Therapeutic Interchange: The importance of medication reconciliation
May 2010, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- The importance of accurate drug allergy information
April 2010, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- Individualized dosing of Warfarin? Why so complicated?
- Naloxone 101 – A fresh look at an old drug
March 2010, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Cracking down on outpatient controlled substances
- Alaris® pump guardrails
- Adult PCA order form
- Approved criteria for use
February 2010, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- New drugs in 2009
- Brand name drug prices rise nearly 10%
- Answers to drug information questions
January 2010, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Prescription assistance programs and alternatives
- Influenza A (H1N1) vaccine added to Formulary
2009, Volume 23
November/December 2009, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- P&T Policy Update: Changing criteria for use & sterile compounds from nonsterile ingredients
- Finding drug-specific order forms on the portal
- Resource for questions
- Inpatient use of Med Guides
October 2009, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- Update: Automatic dose & route changes
- Don’t use midazolam with what?
September 2009, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- Pediatric PCA order form required
- Requesting a drug for addition in the Formulary
- Micromedex becomes the Portal’s drug reference
- New warfarin guidelines
July 2009, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- How to help patients who cannot smoke while hospitalized
- Proton pump inhibitors may reduce clopidogrel’s effectiveness
June 2009, Number 6
- Formulary update
- Procholorperazine – the forgotten antiemetic
- “Cockcroft-Gault for drug dosing…not MDRD”
- Ceftriazone-calcium update
May 2009, Number 5
- Formulary update
- Change to vaccination policy
- Conflicts of interest — “Perception is reality”
April 2009, Number 04
- Formulary update
- Unapproved drugs: What do you mean “My colchicine is unapproved?!”
- “Do you have any difficulties paying for your meds?”
- Don’t get burned prescribing transdermal drugs
March 2009, Number 03
- Formulary update
- Acyclovir shortage? What’s the problem?
February 2009, Number 02
- Formulary update
- Don’t get stuck not knowing about postexposure prophylaxis
- New drugs in 2008…and looking forward
- Override medications in automated dispensing cabinets
January 2009, Number 01
- Formulary update
- Mandatory use of Transfer Medication Order Report
- Verbal C-III update
- P & T Committee Actions 2008
2008, Volume 22
November 2008, Number 10
- Formulary update
- Med reconciliation: There ARE reasons to discontinue some home meds
- Pharmacist order review: Exceptions and misconceptions
- 2008 Annual index
October 2008, Number 9
- Formulary update
- Medication use evaluation: Conivaptan restriction
- Generic equivalents – Using the Orange Book
September 2008, Number 8
- Formulary update
- New pediatric anticoagulation policies
- Therapeutic interchange – 2008
- Why are insulin pens “less stable” than insulin vials?
July/August 2008, Number 7
- Formulary update
- “Patients may take own meds” update
- Sliding scale insulin revisions
- New anticoagulation policies
- Factor VII use evaluation
- Proposal to delete phenytoin injection
June 2008, Number 6
- Formulary update
- Cytotoxic drug dose-rounding allowed
- The old pharmacy intranet site is dead…
Long live the new pharmacy portal - Potassium replacement: Is there a right way to replace K+?
May 2008, Number 5
- Formulary update
- Controversy over requirements for verbal CIII prescriptions
- Free samples aren’t free…
April 2008, Number 4
- Formulary update
- Heparin shortage: Interchange to enoxaparin?
- Ketorolac + ibuprofen contraindicated
- Inappropriate patient allergy? Let’s remove it
March 2008, Number 3
- Formulary update
- Policies and procedures: Contraindicated combos/li>
- Publish the good, forget the bad; do you believe everything you read?
- Mandatory VTE assessment and orders
- Standardized sliding scale insulin orders
- Chantix® safety update
February 2008, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- Join Commissions regulations mean changes to pre-printed PRN orders
- Vitamin D-ficiencies and D-velopments
- New drugs approved in 2007
January 2008, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Discontinue stress, discontinue stress ulcer prophylaxis
- P&T Committee Actions 2007
2007, Volume 21
November/December 2007, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Medical Foods: Drug, Dietary Supplement, Food, or Other?
- 2007 Annual Index
September 2007, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- Erythropoiesis-stimulating Agent Protocol
- The Case of Acthar Gel
July/August 2007, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- Pneumococcal Vaccine Protocol Should Improve Immunization Rates
- High-dose Vancomycin for MRSA Infections
- Standard Doses for Calcium Chloride & Gluconate and Sodium Phosphate
June 2007, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- FDA Warns that ESAs May Increase Thrombosis Risk
- “Doctoring Orders”
- Meningococcal Vaccination in the Hospital Setting
May 2007, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- Carity Care Formulary Update
- Generics Keep Patients Out of the “Donut” Hole
- Standarized IV Concentrations
April 2007, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- Monitoring Heparin With Heparin Levels: not aPTTs
- Antimicrobial Management Makes Progress
- How Do Patients Dispose of Drugs?
March 2007, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Formulary Proposal: Using Generic Cyclosporine
- Off-label Drug Use Promotion Banned
- MDRD vs. Cockroft-Gault Dosing with Impaired Renal Function
- Administration of Medications via Enternal Feeding Tubes
February 2007, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- New Drugs Approved in 2006
- Therapeutic Interchange – 2007
- Albumin and IVIG Shortages Expected in 2007
January 2007, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Darbepoetin-epoetin Interchange?
- Drug Information Service Information
- Promethazine: Resolve to Dilute
2006, Volume 20
November/December 2006, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Collect Before You Treat: Obtaining Cultures Before Antibiotic Treatment
- Pharmacokinetics Physician-Approved Protocol
- 2006 Annual Inex
October 2006, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- Standard Insulin Infusions: The L&D Exception
- Make Up Your Mind: Acetylcholine or no Acetylcholine
- No Samples Allowed….
September 2006, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- Automatically Disconnecting Pneumococcal Vaccine Orders?
- Automatic Stop Orders
- Standardized IV Cocentration in Pediatrics
July/August 2006, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- The Legality and Ethics of Self-prescribing
- Variety of Insulin Product Vendors Selected
- Changes to the Chemotherapy Ordering Process
June 2006, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Prescribing generics improves compliance
- Early warfarin therapy shortens LOS
May 2006, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- Improving Pediatric Drug Research
- Can Generic Levothyroxine be Used for Brands?
April 2006, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- Joint Commission Report & Medication Use Management
- Therapeutic Interchange – 2006
March 2006, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Medication Error Prevention for Pediatric Patients
- Stressing Appropriate Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis
- New Standard Dosage Times
February 2006, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- Standardized fentanyl concentrations
- New drugs in 2005
- Charity Care Formulary additions
January 2006, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Medicare Part D
- Insulin Infusions
- Preventing HAART Errors
2005, Volume 19
November/December 2005, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Medication Safety–Avoid Jargon and Slang
- Restricting “anit-infectives” in Hospital Clinics
- Annual Index
October 2005, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- “Phos” Confusion
- Clarifying Controlled Substance Prescription Rules
- IVIG Shortage trigger prior approval process
September 2005, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- P&T Committee Action
- Writing Outpatient Prescriptions
- Medicaid’s PDL
July/August 2005, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- CA-MSRA: A new bug on the block
- Improving intravenous PPI use
June 2005, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Hepatic Dysfunction & Drug Dosing: The ABCs of the Child-Pugh Score
- Nonformulary Drug Presentations Prohibited
May 2005, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- OTC Brand Names Can Cause Errors
- Vancomycin Pre-approval Required
- Prescribing Methadone
April 2005, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- Percocet instead of Tylox…
- Cefepime MUE
- Indication for PRNs
March 2005, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Vancomycin Use Will Require Pre-Approval
- Clinical Practice Bulletin
February 2005, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- Alternatives to “Greater Than” and “Less Than” Abbreviations
- Ins and Outs of Continuous Infusion Diuretics
January 2005, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Banned Abbreviation Compliance
- Influenza Vaccine: Shortcomings or Shortages
2004, Volume 18
November/December 2004, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Head-to-Head Trials
- Outpatient Prescription Writing
- Annual Index
October 2004, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- Minimizing “Allergic” Reactions to Contrast Media
- Therapeutic Interchange Update
- Abbreviations to Avoid
September 2004, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- Otitis Media: No Antibiotics Does not Mean No Treatment
- P&T Actions 2003-04
July 2004, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- Confusion over NSAIDS and ASA
- Prescribing Patterns
- Alcohol
June 2004, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Glucosamine and Shellfish Allergy
- Relative” Contraindications
- Nebulizers versus MDI Quote
May 2004, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- MVI-12 versus “MVI-13”
- Initiating Warfarin Therapy
- Audit of Heparin Protocol
- Pharmacological Isomers — Nice to Know? Or Need to Know?
April 2004, Number 4
- Formulary Update (includes nebulizer to MDI interchange)
- NovoSeven Audit
- Fluoroquinolone Audit
- Vancomycin Guidelines for Use
March 2004, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Anti-Infective Stewardship Program Initiated
- Preventing Nosebleeds from Nasal Steroids
- Opioid Allergies…Why are Most Alerts Wrong?
February 2004, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- Treatment Options for Alcohol Withdrawal
- New Drugs in 2003
January 2004, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Identifying Tablets & Capsules by Imprint Codes
- COX-2 Inhibitor Misunderstandings
- Ipecac No Longer Recommended
- Who is the P&T Committee?
2003, Volume 17
November/December 2003, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Automatic Adjustment of Ceftriaxone Dosages
- What Takes Pharmacy So Long?
- Automatic Interchange of MDIs for Nebulized Bronchodilators
- 2003 Annual Index
October 2003, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- High Cost-Problem Prone Drug Review Process
- Drugs without an Outpatient Reimbursement Code
- Manufacturers’ with Restricted Distribution Systems
- Importance of Pharmacist Order Review
September 2003, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- More Invalid Abbreviations
- Preventing Allergic Reactions to Drugs
- Imipenem Streamlining is Useful
July/August 2003, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- P&T Actions 2002-03
- Therapeutic Interchange Update
June 2003, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Micromedex Now Available
- Drug Shortage Resources
- Beta Blockers and Airway Disease
- Patients’ “Own Meds” Use in the Hospital
May 2003, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- Comfort Medications During Procedures
- Results of Meperidine Use Audit
- Medicaid Preferred Drug List
- Use of “Medically Necessary” to Prevent Generic Interchange in the Inpatient Setting
April 2003, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- Levothyroxine on an empty stomach?
- Intramuscular (IM) pain medications should be avoided
- Armour thyroid lergies and Diuretic Use
March 2003, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Once-Daily versus Twice-Daily Administration and Compliance
- “Sulfa” Allergies and Diuretic Use
February 2003, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- New Drugs in 2002
January 2003, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- New Verbal Order Policy
- Unacceptable Medical Abbreviations Policy
- Auralgan for Otitis Media?
2002, Volume 16
November/December 2002, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Writing Prescriptions for Controlled Substances
- Changes in the Charity Care Formulary
- 2002 Annual Index
October 2002, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- Medication Turn-Around Times
- Why are Drug Prices Unpredictable?
- Influenza Vaccine 2002-03
September 2002, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- New Nonformulary System
- Vancomycin Dosing and Monitoring in Adults
July-August 2002, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- Alternatives to Meperidine for Post-Operative Shivering
- Nasal Corticosteroids for Inpatient Use
June 2002, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Comparative Effects of Meperidine and Morphine on the Sphincter of Oddi
- Use of Tessalon Perles
- Safety of Dietary Supplements
May 2002, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- Potential Problems of Chronic and Acute Acetaminophen Use
- Droperidol Warning: QT Prolongation
April 2002, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- Ordering and Interpreting Drug Levels–What You Can Do to Improve Results
March 2002, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Converting from IV to Oral Medications
- New Pharmacy Intranet Site
- Avandia or Coumadin?
February 2002, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- New drugs in 2001
- Patients’ own ophthalmic drugs
January 2002, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Acetylcysteine: Not just an antidote anymore
- Making sense out of “MAbs”
2001, Volume 15
November/ December 2001, Number 10
- Formulary Update
- Alternatives to nifedipine for hypertensive urgencies
- Restricting the promotion of restricted drugs
- 2001 annual index
October 2001, Number 9
- Formulary Update
- OxyContin: Issues and updates
- Anthrax treatment
- Lantus or Lente?
September 2001, Number 8
- Formulary Update
- Is Synthroid being removed from the market?
- Information on patients’ allergies
July/August 2001, Number 7
- Formulary Update
- Is this patient allergic to penicillin?
- Counterfeit-proof Rx pads required by September
- Clonidine Abuse?
- In case you don’t know…The Rules
June 2001, Number 6
- Formulary Update
- Shortage of Benadryl Injection
- Controls not recommended with PPD testing
- Tetanus-diphtheria toxoids and tetanus toxoid shortage
May 2001, Number 5
- Formulary Update
- Therapeutic interchange – update
- More problems with medication supply
April 2001, Number 4
- Formulary Update
- When should you use Ultram?
- Updated HIV treatment guidelines released
- Oxycontin abuse on the rise
March 2001, Number 3
- Formulary Update
- Taking medications can be a pain in the . . . esophagus
- Improving anti-emetic use
February 2001, Number 2
- Formulary Update
- Researchers can no longer purchase drugs from Pharmacy Stores
- New Drugs In 2000
January 2001, Number 1
- Formulary Update
- Pantoprazole selected as only proton-pump inhibitor
- Tetanus toxoid in short supply, but. . .
- Tamiflu: Test not required
- 4 brand name drugs – update