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Core Labs and Shared Facilities

Core laboratories and shared facilities maintained by UF colleges, departments, centers and institutes provide sophisticated equipment and expertise to facilitate biomedical research across a range of disciplines.

Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research Network

  • Core Labs:
    MVO2, MRI, Biorepository, Cell Delivery, Shands Cell Processing, Training.

Clinical and Translational Science Institute

  • Biobehavioral Core:
    Broad expertise in the application of human-validated assessment measures of behavioral concomitants of disease or therapeutic interventions.
  • Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Core:
    Development of assays for the quantification of small molecules in complex media (plasma, serum, urine, tissues, cell cultures, etc.) using mass spectrometry for both human and animal studies.
  • Clinical Research Units:
    A network of 12 clinical research units (including the UF Clinical Research Center and Shands Jacksonville Clinical Research Unit) facilitate a broad spectrum of clinical research in pediatric and adult populations.
  • CTSI Biorepository:
    Collection, processing, storage and distribution services for banked tissue samples.
  • Genotyping Core:
    Consultation and guidance in designing and performing genetics and pharmacogenetics studies, and targeted determination of genotypes on genomic DNA from biological samples.
  • Metabolomics Core:
    Targeted and global analysis of small molecules in biological materials.

College of Engineering

  • Major Analytical Instrumentation Center:
    A materials characterization and analysis facility providing analytical support for Florida's scientific and engineering community.
  • Nanoscale Research Facility:
    Cleanroom facilities, advanced imaging areas and laboratory space for research in micro/nano device fabrication.
  • Particle Engineering Research Center Research & Development Facility:
    State-of-the-art instrumentation for particle characterization and analysis.

College of Medicine

  • College of Medicine Electron Microscopy Core Facility:
    Instruments, training and technical services for ultrastructural research.

College of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine

  • Molecular Pathology Core:
    High-quality and innovative histology and immunolocalization services for basic and clinical research.

Emerging Pathogens Institute

  • Aquatic Pathobiology Lab:
    A shared resource for faculty and students working in the areas of aquatic toxicology, aquatic pathology and ecological studies that examine the relationships between aquatic animal health, human health and environmental stress .
  • Global Pathogens Laboratory:
    Collection of BSL2 and BSL3 laboratory spaces and offices well-suited for complex epidemiological studies of emerging pathogens including large cohort studies, evaluation of diagnostic tests and clinical trials.

Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences

Institute on Aging Pepper Center

  • Clinical Research Core:
    Infrastructure and experienced personnel for conducting clinical research studies to assess the effects of behavioral interventions (exercise and weight loss) on inflammatory markers, oxidative stress and apoptosis.
  • Genomics, Metabolism and Biomarkers Core:
    Infrastructure, laboratory space, trained personnel, consultative and collaborative scientific expertise and a wide spectrum of established methodologies that address a set of genetic and biological themes focused on causes for sarcopenia and disability.
  • Preclinical and Translational Research Core:
    Infrastructure and investigators for conducting preclinical research in rodent models of aging in order to test new interventions for preventing disability.

Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research

  • Bioinformatics Core:
    Analysis of large-scale data sets acquired from next-generation sequencing, gene expression, and mass-spectrometry analytical technologies.
  • Cytometry Core:
    Provides tools and expertise for cellular measurements using flow cytometers to analyze or sort cells. Laser scanning confocal microscope available.
    Two locations: Cancer & Genetics Research Complex Room 292, McKnight Brain Institute Room L3-160.
  • Electron Microscopy Core:
    Assistance in visualizing structures of microscopic samples by carrying out imaging projects and user training. Offers transmission and scanning electron microscopy, epifluorescence microscopy, and confocal laser scanning.
  • Gene Expression & Genotyping Core:
    Technical services include gene expression arrays, miRNA arrays, RNA-seq libraries, sequencing capture libraries, development of microsatellite libraries, and genotyping.
  • Monoclonal Antibody Core:
    Develops monoclonal antibodies for investigators to use in basic and applied research, cell fusion, cell cloning, screening by ELISA and western blot, and monoclonal antibody analyses.
  • NextGen DNA Sequencing Core:
    Provides high-throughput sequencing data using the most current instrumentation including PacBio, Ion Torrent and Ion Proton, and Illumina NextSeq and MiSeq.
  • Proteomics & Mass Spectrometry Core:
    Mass Spectrometry provides services related to protein fractionation, qualitative and quantitative mass spectrometry analysis, de novo protein sequencing and protein database searching. Protein Biomarkers offers services related to biomarker discovery.
  • Sanger Sequencing Core:
    Provides capillary-based automated DNA sequencing using one-lane sequencing processes.

McKnight Brain Institute

  • Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Facility:
    High-resolution solution NMR, solid-state NMR, microimaging, animal imaging and human imaging.
  • Cell & Tissue Analysis Core (CTAC):
    High-end instrumentation and standard microscopy systems for the acquisition and analysis of bright field, ultrasonic, intravital, fluorescent and bioluminescent data from both in vitro and in vivo experimental models.
  • Cognitive Neuroscience/ Clinical Neuropsychology Lab:
    A multidisciplinary laboratory involved in the study of cognitive and affective behaviors in humans and the neural systems that underlie them.
  • CTAC Histology Resource Lab:
    High quality histological services for researchers working with human and animal tissues.
  • General Core Rooms:
    Molecular biology core equipment room and other common equipment rooms.
  • Histology Support Laboratory:
    Resources, technical expertise and referral information to investigators developing and using histology protocols in their own laboratories.
  • Stereotactic Radiosurgery Lab:
    A computer-controlled six Mev linear accelerator for use in cerebrovascular, cancer and fundamental cell and molecular research.
  • Surgical Research and Training Lab:
    A hands-on center to teach anatomy and advanced surgical techniques and to demonstrate the latest in operative instrumentation.

Powell Gene Therapy Center

  • Human Applications Lab:
    State-of-the-art GMP manufacturing facility with two suites (Cell Processing and Viral Vector Production).
  • National Gene Vector Laboratory (NGVL) Toxicology Core Center:
    Responsible for conducting animal and in vitro toxicology studies that the FDA determines are needed before a particular clinical gene transfer trial can begin.
  • Vector Core Lab:
    Generation of gene therapy vectors.

UF Health Science Center

  • HSC Autoclaves
  • Lifelong Learning
    An auxiliary that specializes in multimedia outreach for educational programs and employs experts in video production, graphic design, website development, instructional design and project management.

UF Information Technology

  • High-Performance Computing Center:
    A faculty-directed facility providing high-performance computing resources and support for research dependent on large-scale computing.

UF Health Cancer Center

University of Florida

  • Animal Care Services:
    High quality service, expertise and guidance in all matters related to the care and use of animals.