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Shortage of Sterile Fluids After Hurricane Helene

UF Health continues to address the impacts across our system from a nationwide IV fluid shortage caused by damage to Baxter International’s manufacturing facility following Hurricane Helene. We have put proactive conservation measures into place to ensure normal operations, with patient safety as our first priority. Currently, we have a sufficient sterile fluid supply to meet treatment, surgical, and emergency needs.

UF Health is working hard to manage the supply of sterile fluids after Hurricane Helene

Hospitals across the nation are having trouble obtaining sterile fluids as a result of Hurricane Helene.

  • Right now, we have enough sterile fluids for patients who need treatments and surgeries, including for emergencies.
  • Examples of sterile fluids include intravenous (IV), irrigation, and dialysis fluids.
  • One of our main suppliers has told us that many sterile fluid products are in short supply.
  • Our doctors, nurses, dieticians, and pharmacists are finding ways to save sterile fluids while maintaining excellent patient care.
  • Patients might get some medicines in different ways, such as by taking a pill instead of through an IV.
  • In some cases, patients might be asked to drink fluids instead of getting them through an IV line.
  • Keeping patients safe is our number one priority. Any alternative medication given is as effective as an IV drip.
  • We want patients and their families to ask any questions they have about their care. Please talk to your health care provider or care team if you have questions.

Please check back for periodic updates on the sterile fluids shortage.