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Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- Remote Access

Person sitting at a cafe table looking at his phone

Our IT Services teams work hard to support customers across the organization. We’re here to help those approved get set up with remote access to work tools and to address other relevant technology topics.

Virtual private network (VPN)

A virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to connect remotely to the university network. A VPN encrypts information shared in a connection. Encryption protects health information, passwords and other sensitive data.

  • Choose the VPN software that works with your computer operating system.
  • To login, use your Gatorlink username and password

Both UF and UF Health provide Virtual Private Network clients:

Software downloads

UF VPN Software

UF Health / Shands VPN Software

Need help?

Guides and documentation

IT remote access tools

Please share these instructions with your colleagues as needed.

UF Health / Shands VPN

UF Gatorlink VPN Service

The Gatorlink VPN service provides secure remote access to the University of Florida network and makes it appear as if your computer were physically attached to the campus network. The Gatorlink VPN service is provided by Network Services and the UF Helpdesk. Once you install the client, you will automatically be updated when a new client is available.