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Academic Health Center Resources and Support

IT Help and VPN

Information on IT resources, how to get immediate help, and how to access our VPN and the UF Health intranet, Bridge.

Person sitting at a cafe table looking at his phone

UF Health physician hotlines

These hotlines also report the status of UF College of Dentistry clinics.

AHC email listservs

Implemented on 09/30/2008 in response to a directive issued by AHC Deans and Directors on 07/02/2008 as a replacement for the allhsc-l list; AHC students are included; individual lists are available for each AHC college; specific individuals are able to send messages without moderator intervention.

None of the AHC Official Business e-mail lists contain any individual subscribers

They simply pass messages along to lists maintained by each of the six colleges and the office of the Senior Vice President for Health Affairs. Subscription questions must be directed to the respective Dean’s Office representative to ensure a particular e-mail address is contained in the appropriate list.

E-mail lists and contacts referenced below may be used by UF personnel to send two types of messages:

  • Meetings/Conferences/Seminars/Speakers/Special Events and
  • Official Business

E-mail sender instructions for both types of messages

  • Senders’ e-mail addresses must end in the letters 'UFL.EDU.'
  • These e-mail lists are moderated. Submitted messages will be reviewed and approved by a moderator before being sent.
  • Effective 02/2010, at the direction of the SVPHA, HTML-encoded messages may be sent using these lists.
  • Messages should be of recognizably clear interest or importance to members of the individual lists you use.
  • Sending commercial, personal or political solicitations/messages is not permitted.
  • Soliciting for research study participants is not permitted.
  • Must comply with the University of Florida and AHC Acceptable Use Policy.
  • Subject Line of message: Include a few words accurately describing the message's topic.
  • Conclude message with information about the message's author including name, title and affiliation.
  • Include contact information for questions including name, affiliation, title and e-mail address.

After sending a message to one of the e-mail lists, an automated message will be sent to your 'From:" address to certify you actually sent that message to the list. Clicking on the URL link contained within the message verifies your e-mail address and allows your message to be passed to list moderators for approval. This process eliminates most automated spam messages.

Meetings, conferences, seminars, speakers, special events & other non-official business messages

So long as it complies with the limitations described above, send the message to Contact Persons or E-mail lists below as appropriate.


  • All ‘E-mail Sender’ Instructions cited above apply to messages sent to these contacts and lists.
  • When sending a message to a contact person, inform them of the intended audience (Faculty, Staff, Students or everyone).
  • If a message is to be directed to all AHC faculty and staff, send it to all seven bulleted references.
  • Each unit will judge the appropriateness of submitted messages and will independently determine whether it is in the best interest of their unit for the e-mail message to be distributed.


Official business messages


E-mail lists for ‘Official Business’ messages exist to target specific or all AHC audiences including:

  • ALL AHC Faculty, Staff and Students (all 6 colleges and SVPHA Units)
  • ALL AHC Faculty AND Staff (all 6 colleges and SVPHA Units)
  • AHC Faculty ONLY, Staff ONLY or Students ONLY
  • ALL Faculty, Staff and Students for EACH of the 6 colleges
  • Faculty ONLY, Staff ONLY or Students ONLY for EACH of the 6 colleges
  • Faculty ONLY or Staff ONLY for SVPHA Units

Note: Individuals holding OPS, adjunct or courtesy appointments, are not commonly included in official e-mail lists.

Access will require access to UF Health Bridge (Gatorlink or Shands credentials)

AHC ‘Official Business’ e-mail list access will require access to UF Health Bridge (Gatorlink or Shands credentials). Individual AHC colleges and/or units are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of their lists. Anyone who discovers they are not receiving e-mail announcements from these lists should contact their Dean’s Office representative to ensure their e-mail address is contained in the appropriate list.