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For Researchers

Research support is offered by numerous offices and programs working across and within colleges. Resources include research services, participant recruitment resources, and core laboratories and shared facilities.

Research resources at UF Health

Collaboration opportunities

Opportunities for research collaborations abound at the University of Florida, which is home to 16 colleges and more than 150 research centers and institutes.

Core labs and shared facilities

Core laboratories and shared facilities provide sophisticated equipment and expertise to facilitate biomedical research across a range of disciplines.

Participant recruitment

Several resources are available to help UF researchers recruit participants for IRB-approved research studies.

Research administration & oversight

Five key offices oversee the protection of research subjects and the administration of research funding, contracts and policies at UF.

Research careers

Numerous research-related professional development and training opportunities exist for UF Health students, faculty and staff.

Research funding

A strategic portfolio of campus-wide intramural funding opportunities helps UF Health researchers increase their competitiveness for public and private grant dollars.

Research services

Various institutes, centers, departments and programs offer research services for investigators.

Technology licensing & entrepreneurship

UF actively promotes the transfer of the university’s intellectual property to the marketplace.

UF IT consult

If you are looking for technology help for your research needs, UF Health IT consult is here to assist.

Research support

UF Office of Research - Research Support Unit

Publication of FYI Funding Newsletter and coordination of annual Research Opportunity Seed Fund, nominations for limited application programs and large interdisciplinary research initiatives and grants.

CTSI Regulatory Knowledge and Research Support Program

Research project navigation services plus consultations and services for ethics, IRB, compliance,, quality assurance and regulatory issues.

Health Science Center Libraries - Library Liaison Services:

Dedicated librarians for each HSC college or department to assist faculty, staff and students with research, teaching, clinical or administrative information needs.

Academic Health Center college research offices