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UF Health Shands - Gainesville referrals

Patient Access Center

When you call the UF Health Patient Access Center, our service representatives can connect your call to any physician's practice within UF Health in Gainesville.

  • To make a referral, schedule an appointment, or receive more information, please call (352) 265-5555
  • The Patient Access Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The center is closed on holidays
  • Urgent requests are handled immediately by UF Health operators
  • After-hours, non-urgent messages are taken by our in-house answering service

UF Health Shands Transfer Center

The UF Health Shands Hospital Transfer Center provides an easy and efficient way for referring physicians to transfer their patients to UF Health Shands Hospital. Call us at (352) 265-0559.

Drug Information and Pharmacy Resource Center

The Drug Information and Pharmacy Resource Center (DIPRC) is a service that answers questions for health care professionals who take care of Shands patients, including referring physicians.

UF Health Central Florida referrals

  • The UF Health Central Florida Care Connect Center can be reached at (352) 323-5665
  • The center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The center is closed on holidays
  • Calls placed outside of normal office hours will be routed to UF Health Medical Group answering service


NaviGATOR makes it easier to search for and find clinical trials that fit your needs. This powerful and easy-to-navigate website helps you quickly learn about the availability of clinical trials from UF Health Cancer Center.

A woman wearing blue scrubs sits at a desk in an office. She is sing a computer while taking notes.