Five key offices oversee the protection of research subjects and the administration of research funding, contracts and policies at UF.
The University of Florida has four IRBs that review and approve all research involving human subjects to ensure the welfare and rights of research participants are protected. While all four IRBs are governed by the same set of federal and state rules, each has its own forms and procedures.
The IACUC oversees the university’s animal program, facilities and procedures to ensure compliance with all regulations, policies and standards in place to protect animal welfare. IACUC members review all requests for approval to use vertebrate animals in research
Part of the UF Office of Research, the Division of Sponsored Programs facilitates institutional approval for all extramural proposal submissions, accepts and administers grant awards, and negotiates contracts and other research-related agreements on behalf of the University of Florida.
The Office of Clinical Research manages contracting, research billing compliance, and OnCore implementation for all UF Human Subjects clinical research studies.