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UF IT consult

If you are looking for technology help for your research needs, UF Health IT consult is here to assist. We will help you navigate both the UF IT and UF Health IT services that support research. Please reach out to us by filling out the form below, and a team member will contact you to assist.

Research relevant resources

  • HiPerGator - UF IT Research Computing.
    HiPerGator is UF’s supercomputer with large computing and storage capacity, and large network bandwidth to state and national research networks and the internet. It can be used for research projects large and small, and is approved for data and processing of open data. To work with PHI or FERPA restricted data follow the links below:
  • UFIT Hosting services
    Similar to the commercial cloud, UF has infrastructure to set up virtual machines for web services, database servers, and storage with good access to the campus network and the internet.
  • Gatorcloud - UF cloud services.
    Various cloud services available to UF faculty and students, such as storage in Dropbox, GoogleDrive, Microsoft Teams.
  • UF Integrated Risk Management
    Data guide through the process of finding what requirements need to be satisfied for storing and working with the data in your research project. Also lists all software and cloud services that have been approved for use at UF for UF business so that you can buy them without needing a risk assessment request.

Research governance

Request a consultation with UF Health IT

Please fill out the below form and someone from UF Health IT will reach out to consult with you on your specific research information technology needs.

Does this request include an existing device?
Does this request have to do with a research application?