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Jenna Allanson

Jenna Allanson - Authors - UF Health

Jenna Allanson recently joined UF Health’s marketing team after a career as an event planner. Before working in the event space, she was an intern for the public relations team at the University of South Carolina Athletic Department where she served on the communications team for major events such as NCAA March Madness and Southeastern Conference Media Days and Championships.

Jenna’s primary role is to provide strategic marketing planning and support to multiple service lines including Neuromedicine, Orthopaedics, Gynecology and Oncology. Outside of work, Jenna enjoys time with her family and dogs, writing and taking impromptu trips to St. Augustine. As a published author, Jenna is excited to utilize her writing skills to assist health care communications to promote UF Health’s mission.

Stories by Jenna

Let’s Talk About Men’s Health

Some of the most common health issues for men are the sort they may not be thrilled to talk about. They include conditions that affect millions of men each…

Kevin Campbell, Wayne Brisbane, and Larry Yeung