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Kamila Melendez

Kamila Melendez - Authors - UF Health

Kamila Melendez is a marketing intern who joined the UF Health marketing team in September 2022. She is currently a sophomore at the University of Florida pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a focus in marketing and minor in mass communications. Her passion for communications began when she founded her own small business making bracelets and began using social media to market her products. Kamila’s marketing skills grew during her roles at UF as a director of marketing for the Warrington Welcome Peer Leaders and the Social Media Manager for Gator Salsa Club, both of which prioritize connecting with an audience and relaying accurate information in a timely and digestible manner. Born in Puerto Rico and grew up in Orlando, Florida, Kamila has always been a lover of the outdoors and adventure. Outside of her role as an intern, Kamila enjoys taking dance classes, traveling with friends, and creating fun videos.

Stories by Kamila