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Styliana Resvanis

Associate Director, Communications

As associate director of communications for the UF College of Medicine, she assists the director in managing a multi-channel, comprehensive communications program to enhance the college’s reputation, increase visibility and engage key audiences. She leads the efforts and objectives of the college’s editorial, storytelling and digital communications strategy, leveraging traditional and modern approaches to raise awareness around the initiatives, achievements and aspirations of the college. She joined the UF College of Medicine communications team as a communications specialist, where she oversaw the college’s social media accounts, managed several of the college’s websites and contributed to various publications. Before joining the UF College of Medicine and UF Health staff in 2013, she worked at the UF Foundation communications office, where she wrote for the university’s alumni publications and website and managed a regional pilot microsite. She has also contributed to multiple magazines as a freelance writer and copy editor. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from UF.

Stories by Styliana

A herculean performance

UF College of Medicine students present Disney’s “Hercules” for pediatric patients and families at UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital. Hermes sits near the…

A Roaring Time

When the animals receive their cues, a stampede of sorts begins, and a chorus of voices erupts. Lions lead the charge, followed by prancing hyenas and an…

A heart full of philanthropy

For Emily Warren, birthdays mean more than just the passing of another year — they also mark the opportunity to appreciate each year by giving back to her…