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UF Health

UF Health - Authors - UF Health

Stories by UF

Not all superheroes wear capes

“Zach was the one that if you were on the side of the road, and you looked like you needed help, he would stop,” said his mother, Michelle Trevellick, R.N., a…

Zach Rabon with his kids

A Passion for Breastfeeding Medicine

Q/A with Maternal-Fetal Medicine Expert Adetola Louis-Jacques, M.D. As Breastfeeding Awareness Month nears its end, we sat with Adetola Louis-Jacques, M.D. who…

Adetola Louis-Jacques, M.D. who joined the University of Florida faculty in July as a clinical assistant professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology

National Breastfeeding Month

August is National Breastfeeding Month and, together with the North Central Florida Breastfeeding Coalition, UF Health is celebrating and bringing awareness to…

Person holding a baby