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Pursed lip breathing

How to do pursed lip breathing. 1. Breathe in (inhale) slowly through your nose for 2 counts. 2. Feel your belly gets larger as you breathe in. 3. Pucker your lips, as if you were going to whistle or blow out a candle. 4. Breathe out (exhale) slowly through your lips for 4 or more counts. 5. Exhale normally. Do not force air out. Do not hold your breath when you are doing pursed lip breathing. 6. Repeat these steps until your breathing slows.

Pursed lip breathing
How to do pursed lip breathing. 1. Breathe in (inhale) slowly through your nose for 2 counts. 2. Feel your belly gets larger as you breathe in. 3. Pucker your lips, as if you were going to whistle or blow out a candle. 4. Breathe out (exhale) slowly through your lips for 4 or more counts. 5. Exhale normally. Do not force air out. Do not hold your breath when you are doing pursed lip breathing. 6. Repeat these steps until your breathing slows.
Last reviewed April 2, 2022 by Denis Hadjiliadis, MD, MHS, Paul F. Harron Jr. Associate Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. Also reviewed by David C. Dugdale, MD, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team..