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  • A Role Model for Hemophiliacs

    Growing up the son of a football coach, Brett Sherman always had a love for sports, especially football. However, being born with hemophilia, a condition where…

  • Steel, the hemophilic superhero

    As my wife and I were watching television one night, I heard one of the characters say, “You’re a Hemophiliac! Your blood doesn’t clot, your wounds can’t heal,…

  • Caden Buth’s Story

    Four-year-old Caden Buth is energetic. He’s happy, loves to talk, loves to run and enjoys life. However, sometimes those things that he loves to do are…

    Four-year-old Caden Buth is energetic. He’s happy, loves to talk, loves to run and enjoys life. However, sometimes those things that he loves to do are difficult. At four weeks old, Caden was diagnosed with Hemophilia A, and he’s not had an easy road since.