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Poison control center - emergency number


1-800-222-1222 (NATIONWIDE)

This national hotline number connects to all 56 U.S. poison centers and automatically directs your call to the local poison center covering your geographic area.

The individuals answering the hotline at the poison centers are nurses, pharmacists, physicians or physician assistants, specially trained and nationally certified as Specialists in Poison Information. These health professional experts will provide free and confidential service to immediately assess the situation, triage the case to the appropriate level of care and then provide appropriate treatment advice.

You should use this number emergently for any known or suspected poisoning episodes or just to call if you have any questions about poisoning or poison prevention.

The nationwide toll-free hotline is manned by health professional specialists 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Your Local Poison Center

The local Poison Center covering the northern/eastern coastal sections of Florida is the Florida/USVI Poison Information Center – Jacksonville. For more information see or contact the American Association of Poison Control Centers -