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UF Health has an adaptive seating clinic where our therapists evaluate patients for both adaptive equipment and mobility device needs. Prior to scheduling the patient appointment, the patient chooses their preferred vendor. The visit is then coordinated with the vendor to allow the therapist, the patient/caregiver and the vendor to collaborate regarding the needs of the patient. The therapist completes an evaluation of the patient, including range of motion, muscle strength, posture and pelvic positioning and mobility assessment. The evaluation also screens the cognitive and environmental obstacles the patient has.

After evaluation, the letter of medical necessity is created by the therapist and then sent to the vendor, who obtains authorization to obtain the needed equipment. The vendor then coordinates delivery of the equipment with the therapist 60-90 days after the evaluation.

Mobility devices may include manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, scooters and/or strollers. Adaptive equipment includes but is not limited to: standers, bathroom equipment, lift equipment and other positioning devices for patients of all ages.