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Send a Patient a Message

Send a CareMail message to a patient at UF Health Shands Hospital. This free online service allows you to connect to your loved ones in the hospital and send a note of encouragement. CareMail is checked Monday through Friday and delivered to the patient with the regular mail each week day. This message is transmitted securely and treated confidentially.

UF Health Location 
The UF Health system is made up of five hospitals. To ensure your message is delivered as rapidly as possible, please be sure of your hospital selection. If you are unsure, please select UF Health Shands Hospital. Disclaimer : UF Health Shands does not assume responsibility for the delivery of e-mail to patients discharged from UF Health Shands. UF Health Shands assumes no liability whatsoever of any kind for the e-mail and information contained in the e-mail sent to patients. By using this service, you are accepting and understanding of this disclaimer.