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Social Media Privacy Policy

UF Health social media accounts are provided as an information source only. The information shared on UF Health social media channels are not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Please remember that when you voluntarily post a comment, it is published for the world to see. For your own privacy and that of your family, you should consider carefully how much detailed personal medical information linked to your name you want published on the Internet.

By federal law, comments will be deleted if they include protected health information about an individual other than you, or if they include information related to diagnosis, treatment, and/or examination related to mental health; or diagnosis, treatment, and/or examination related to substance abuse, including drugs or alcohol; and HIV/AIDS testing. Finally, we reserve the right to remove a comment that contains defamatory language about our organization or an individual or employee.