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Stories and news
- Here for your heart

Working together to keep your heart healthy.

Make an appointment (352) 265-0820
A couple stands in a garden, framed by bushes and Spanish moss draping from a large oak tree. They stand facing slightly towards each other with their arms outstretched, making the shape of a heart with their hands.
  • A good start on a healthy heart

    Heart disease by the numbers The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that heart disease causes 610,000 American deaths each year. This is about one…

    Brochure image reading Built adound family, healing, you
  • Tips for Men’s Health

    Every year, men all over the world suffer from preventable causes such as heart disease, prostate and other cancers, strokes, lung disease and diabetes.…

    Man and child on beach
  • Rosemary boosts brain power

    Sniffing a savory snack can make you hungry, but with the right ingredient, it can also make you smarter, too. According to a new study, a whiff of rosemary…