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Debbie drove the distance when her breast cancer kept her from teaching

At UF Health, she found a problem-solver in Dr. Lisa Spiguel who made the trip worth it.

Debbie sitting in a chair talking

Debbie Paine is a college professor in Georgia who drove 200+ miles daily for weeks to find the best person to solve the problem of her breast cancer. Debbie’s cancer found its match in Dr. Lisa Spiguel, a breast cancer surgeon, at the UF Health Cancer Center.

“I was comfortable. She was knowledgeable. She understood who I was as a female. I knew immediately that Dr. Spiguel was speaking my language and that she and I would work well together," Debbie said.

Dr. Spiguel works with a multidisciplinary team to tailor treatment to each and every breast cancer patient. The team consists of surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, pathologists, plastic surgeons, physical therapists and a nurse navigator to help patients through the process.

For Debbie, the best treatment solution included surgery with a round of targeted radiation and the chance to avoid the harsh side effects of extended chemotherapy. Now she’s back to teaching her students to solve problems of their own.

Debbie Paine

For the media

Media contact

Peyton Wesner
Communications Manager for UF Health External Communications (352) 273-9620