UF Health Helps Team USA Taekwondo Athlete Faith Dillon Get Back to Fighting Shape
Team USA taekwondo athlete Faith Dillon had “Dum spiro spero” tattooed on her forearm well before fracturing her hand in a tournament at the Fujairah Open just…

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Team USA taekwondo athlete Faith Dillon had “Dum spiro spero” tattooed on her forearm well before fracturing her hand in a tournament at the Fujairah Open just…
Fitted for her first prosthetic leg at just 13 months old, it’s hard to fathom how many times in her life Grace Norman has put one on and taken one off. After…
From one angle, the silver medal shimmers and reflects the brightness of Grant Holloway’s track and field career. Turned another way, without the shine, it…
Once upon a time, a clownfish donated a kidney to an anemone. Well, that’s not quite right. But as far as symbiotic relationships go, an editor and a…
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By the time Janet Plum makes the short but taxing trip to serve the coffee, the mug is only half full. What’s missing of the morning brew is dotted on the…
Matt Benavidez can't recall how he ended up crumpled on a crosswalk on the night of Nov. 7, 2020. He has no memory of his motorcycle hitting an SUV or rescue…
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Before opening the door, Sarah Wheeler prepares for the unknowable monster taking hold on the other side. She’s aware that cancer can yank her patients’ lives…
Alachua County sheriffs are highly trained in firearms and diligent about safety precautions, but mixing in a medical emergency during shooting practice took…
In July 2019, UF Health staff wheeled Maurice (Moe) Ricks into surgery to prep him to receive a new heart and kidney, which were in transport on a plane to…
Dedicated teams of UF Health caregivers brought Nikia Ingram back from the brink of death after an early morning car crash.
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