CAKE is a tool for helping you think through your end of life preferences.
Update your location to show providers, locations, and services closest to you.
Learning about the end of life helps empower people to plan in ways that will afford them dignity and peace of mind in the end. This series of publications published by UF/IFAS Extension helps individuals and families begin to determine their own futures through meaningful communication and informed planning.
CAKE is a tool for helping you think through your end of life preferences.
The Conversation Project is a website designed to help people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care, with easy to use kits on how to talk to your family, doctor, and others.
A kits on how to talk to your family, doctor, and others about your advance directives.
Presented by Marie-Carmelle Elie, MD., former Haven Hospice’s Chief Medical Officer and Associate Professor at UF in the departments of Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine.
For information about advance care planning and advance directives, veterans are encouraged to contact the Advance Care Planning Program Coordinator or their PACT Team Social Worker or call (352)
548-6000 ext 106067.
Movies that promote discussion about the importance of completing advance directives: