When to go to an ER
When you require immediate medical attention for life-threatening conditions, go to an emergency room.
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Making a decision of where to go to get care is often difficult. Learn the difference between urgent care and emergency rooms and what kind of care each provide.
When you require immediate medical attention for life-threatening conditions, go to an emergency room.
When you have a minor injury that can't wait to be seen by your usual doctor, go to urgent care.
After-hours care provides general primary and specialty care during evenings and weekends.
If you have a life threatening injury, illness, or trauma, call 911. Reaction time is critical for seizures, strokes, and heart attacks.
Our emergency rooms are staffed 24/7 with physicians and health care professionals trained in delivering emergency care. The team has quick access to expert providers in advanced specialties. Emergency rooms also have the imaging and laboratory resources needed to diagnose and deliver care for severe and life-threatening situations.
Urgent care clinics have set hours and an established list of conditions treated. As a result, urgent care clinics often are less expensive and have shorter wait times than Emergency Rooms. Insurance copays are generally more expensive than going to your primary care provider.
If your care needs are greater than what an urgent care center provides, they will refer you to an emergency room.
You can also have physicals and screenings done at urgent care clinics.
After-hours care provides general primary and specialty care during evenings and weekends.