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Total Joint Rehabilitation

A total joint replacement is a surgery to repair a joint that is misaligned, arthritic, has lost joint space or is painful. As the population gets more active, the age of people having joint replacements is getting younger. These younger patients are expecting to get back to a higher level of activity that is not traditionally expected with total joint patients.

Physical therapy can help these patients achieve the higher level of activity they were accustomed to prior to their joint problems. Physical therapy can address the strength, range of motion and balance deficits associated with total joint replacement and get patients back to the level of activity they desire.

Due to improvements in surgical procedures and our understanding of the healing process, people are able to be active much earlier than before, and many don’t even need to stay in the hospital. Many patients are able to have surgery and return to the comfort of their home that same day. These patients start outpatient therapy the day after surgery to take their first step toward a fast and successful recovery.
