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Menopause is permanent cessation of menses due to depletion of ovarian follicles.

Natural menopause usually occurs between ages 45 and 55. Many women have no problematic symptoms. Bothersome symptoms may include severe hot flashes, mood and sleep disturbance especially during the first five years following menopause. The lack of estrogen may be associated with a decrease in the thickness and the moisture of the genital tissues leading to urogenital atrophy. This condition may lead to symptoms of vaginal burning, itching, painful intercourse and such. There is also accelerated bone loss with the onset of menopause.

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Abuse, trauma can intensify menopause suffering

The already bothersome, and often painful, effects of menopause can be exacerbated by abuse from a spouse or partner and by post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a recent study published in...

What a woman eats may delay, accelerate menopause

Health experts have long advocated eating a diet rich in fish and veggies such as peas and green beans as a way to keep your weight in check and your body functioning at peak condition. A recent...

Menopause can cause brain fog

Ladies, listen up: It’s not just you. Evidence is mounting that brain fog resulting from menopause is real, according to a study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Massachusetts General Hospital...

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