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For those facing a diagnosis of a urologic cancer, the best treatment option may not immediately be obvious. The number of treatment options increases every year, often making choosing the ideal treatment confusing and challenging. In addition to wondering if you should have surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or a combination of the three, you may be concerned about which approach will offer the best cure, and how these treatments will affect your quality of life.

Obtaining a second opinion from a non-biased, multidisciplinary cancer program can provide you with valuable insight into new and better treatments, or possibly offer alternative solutions to even the most complex cancer conditions.

The following are reasons to consider obtaining a second opinion at the UF Health Urologic Cancer Center:

Multidisciplinary, Patient-Centered Care

The best care for you starts with providing a broad perspective of all treatment approaches, including surgery, radiation and medical therapies. Our program is staffed by expert faculty from the specialties of urologic surgery, radiation oncology and medical oncology.

For patients with complex cancer conditions, our team provides streamlined care, offering simultaneous clinic visits (when possible) with physicians from urologic oncology, radiation oncology and/or medical oncology. Our team collaborates through weekly multidisciplinary meetings to determine the optimal treatment plan tailored to your condition and circumstance.

Diversity of Treatment Options

Our multidisciplinary team of urologic cancer experts offer the full range of advanced treatment options, including open, laparoscopic and robotic surgical procedures, as well as nonsurgical treatment options that might serve as the primary or complementary therapy with surgery.

Reputation and Experience

It is well-established that outcomes for cancer surgery and treatment are closely associated with the experience of the treating facility and the number of surgical cases performed by the surgeon. UF Health Shands Hospital is a high-volume, tertiary referral center that receives complex urologic oncology cases requiring specialized care. Our team performs approximately 300 to 400 major urologic cancer operations every year.

Our UF Health urologic oncologists are all fellowship-trained in their individual specialties, including open, laparoscopic and robotic surgery, and have a vast experience in treating urologic cancers ranging from early detection of tumors to the most advance cancers.

UF Health Shands Hospital is ranked as the #32 urology program in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. Our reputation is based in part on our expertise in urologic cancer care, surgical and non-surgical treatments, and, most importantly, patient care, outcomes and safety.

Ease of Access and Navigation

Steering your way through the complexities of health care consults and appointments can be challenging. As such, the UF Health Urologic Oncology Center has a designated nurse navigator to help answer any of your questions, assist you in requesting necessary medical records and coordinate your visits to the various consultations with our medical team members. If you have any questions about your treatment, you can call and speak directly with our nurse navigator.