Diagnostic tests on the urinary tract can provide clues to many diseases and a person’s overall health. Here are some common urologic evaluations:
Blood analysis
Commonly performed to check for signs of kidney damage or infection and to measure the levels of key substances in blood.
Examination using a cystoscope, a narrow, lighted viewing instrument, to inspect the bladder for stones, tumors, bleeding and infection.
Imaging procedures
X-rays, ultrasound or CT scanning, and other radiological imaging tests to detect kidney damage, tumors or kidney stones.
Intravenous pyelography (IVP)
A special x-ray test that uses an injected dye to outline structures of the urinary tract and detect abnormalities such as tumors, obstructions and kidney disease.
Post-void residual (PVR) urine test
Measurement of the amount of urine left in the bladder after urination to evaluate an enlarged prostate.
Examination of a urine sample for various cells and chemicals that may signal a disease or infection of the urinary tract.
Urine culture
A laboratory test to detect and identify bacteria or other organisms that may be causing a urinary tract infection.
Urodynamic studies
Measurements taken during urination to investigate problems with bladder control.