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Adrian Ching, MD


Photo of Adrian Ching

About me

My name is Adrian Ching, M.D., and I joined the UF College of Medicine in the division of Multispecialty Anesthesiology in 2022 as an assistant professor of anesthesiology. I received my bachelor’s degree in biology at the University of Texas at Austin and my medical degree at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. I interned and was a resident in general surgery at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine before coming here to UF for a residency in anesthesiology.

The opportunity to take care of people in times of need and give back to others is what I value most in being a doctor and an anesthesiologist. Patients and their loved ones entrust us with their health and lives, and this trust is something that I hold with the utmost importance. My research interests are focused on understanding the nuances in anesthesiology and how to better tailor anesthetics to specific patients, pathologies and operations.

I have a specific interest in anesthesia care for cancer patients as, along with almost everyone, cancer has affected my family significantly. Additionally, I am interested in the positive and negative effects on mental health that anesthesia care can have. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, gardening, running and cycling.

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