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Cole P McCarty, MD

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist

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Photo of Cole P McCarty

About me

My name is Cole McCarty, MD, and I am a clinical assistant professor at the University of Florida Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. I earned my medical degree from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. Following medical school, I completed an internal medicine internship at Brookwood Baptist Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama. That was followed by a residency in physical medicine & rehabilitation at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and a fellowship in interventional spine and musculoskeletal medicine at Alabama Ortho Spine and Sports. I am excited to be back at my alma mater, where I pursued my undergraduate studies.

My clinical interests include interventional pain and musculoskeletal medicine. My passion is utilizing injections, medications and conservative treatment options to get patients back to doing what they love. Im also interested in treating pain in patients who have physical disabilities and helping all my patients feel their absolute best.

As a physician, my desire is to work as a team with my patients to reach their goals. I always want to communicate every option available to my patients and supply them with as much as information as possible. That way, together, we can make the best decision on what their next step is to treat their back or joint pain. My plan is to consistently treat the whole patient rather than just the area that is painful, because I think this yields the best results and gives patients their functionality back in the most efficient and effective way. I enjoy getting to work with patients longitudinally, getting to help them on their journey from being hindered by pain to doing the things they love.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time exploring Gainesville with my wife, my two boys and our dog. Im always looking for an excuse to get on the water, whether that be scuba diving, spearfishing, paddleboarding or just going for a boat ride. I love cooking, especially baking and barbecue. Homemade bagels and smoked ribs are my specialty.

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