About me
Dr. Schentrup is responsible for administrative tasks related to the College’s Faculty Practice Association. She is the Clinical Director of Archer Family Health Care, the College of Nursing’s nurse led health center. She supervises the clinical staff and provides oversight of the day to day operations of the practice and the Quality Improvement Program. She is a member of the implementation team for the electronic health record and provides leadership in the clinical documentation piece within the electronic health record. She is a member of the national consortium of the AllianceChicago and participates on a subcommittee to improve clinical documentation within the electronic health record.
Dr. Schentrup has taught in graduate courses including Advanced Health Assessment and Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nursing. She teaches in the clinical setting as a preceptor for adult and family nurse practitioner students and leads DNP students in their DNP quality improvement projects.
Dr. Schentrup was the project director of an Interprofessional Collaborative Practice Grant at Archer Family Health Care funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration. She is currently the project director of a Florida Blue Foundation Award that will support an innovative interprofessional practice model between the College of Nursing and the College of Dentistry.
Dr. Schentrup serves as clinical director and lead nurse practitioner of Archer Family Health Care. She maintains a clinical practice as a family nurse practitioner. She provides quality, affordable care to individuals and families of Archer, Florida, and surrounding rural areas. She serves as the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and provides oversight to faculty practice initiatives. She serves as the secretary/treasurer of the Faculty Practice Association Board. She is a member of the Gainesville community’s Safety Net Collaborative and is the Vice President of the Rural Health Partnership Board of Directors.
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Accepted insurances
Please note: Some physicians and practices might not accept a specific insurance plan. Our list is also subject to change, and sometimes that change is not yet reflected in this list. Please contact the practice to confirm that your insurance is accepted. A representative will be happy to assist you.
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