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Dominique L Winkfield : Bio and credentials

Photo of Dominique L Winkfield

My bio

Hi there! I'm Dominique Winkfield, an exercise specialist at UF Health. My journey in the world of fitness began with a bachelor's degree in kinesiology from the University of Kentucky. After graduating, I became a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine, solidifying my passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals.

Working with diverse clients is what truly fuels my enthusiasm. Whether it's guiding beginners towards a healthier lifestyle or assisting athletes in reaching peak performance, I find immense joy in inspiring and motivating individuals to embrace fitness as a way of life.

Beyond the gym, I lead an active lifestyle myself. Traveling to new destinations keeps my spirit adventurous, while my love for working out remains constant. As an avid sports fan, you'll often find me cheering on my favorite teams whenever I can.