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Farah Malik, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist

Photo of Farah  Malik

About me

Hello, my name is Farah Malik, I’m a physical therapist at UF Health. I earned my bachelor's degree in physical therapy from Semnan University in Iran and furthered my education with a doctor of physical therapy from Utica University in New York.

Specializing in Pelvic Health Physical Therapy, I provide comprehensive care for female, male and non-binary patients. My expertise covers a broad spectrum, addressing conditions such as constipation, urinary and fecal urgency/frequency/incontinence, pelvic pain, genital pain, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), pregnancy and postpartum pain and dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, low back/hip/pelvic girdle and sacroiliac joint disorders, abdominal pain, scar tissue restriction and pain, core weakness and instability. I also support post-surgical recovery following gynecological, prostate, cancer, and gender affirmation surgeries, addressing cancer treatment-related problems, including sexual dysfunction, post-surgical and post-radiation management.

Growing up in a family with a brother and sister who are physicians, I witnessed the profound joy they experienced in helping others. Inspired by their impact, I embarked on a path as a healthcare professional, finding my calling as a physical therapist. Bringing smiles and happiness to my patients is truly priceless.

My overarching goal as a physical therapist is to eliminate or reduce pain in my patients and guide them back to their prior level of function, ultimately improving their quality of life. Currently, I am actively engaged in a case report focused on patients with Parkinson's disease who suffer from constipation, aiming to contribute valuable insights to the field.

Beyond my professional pursuits, I am fluent in Farsi (Persian), allowing me to connect with a diverse range of patients. I am deeply committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those I serve, and I find fulfillment in the rehabilitation process that enhances my patients' functionality and well-being.

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