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Jennifer C Lambert, PT

Physical Therapist

Photo of Jennifer C Lambert

About me

Hello, I'm Jennifer Lambert, a physical therapist at UF Health. I earned my master of science in applied physiology & kinesiology with a focus on human performance from FIU. As a licensed physical therapist, my journey has taken me through various specialties, leading me to become a certified pelvic physical therapist.

In the initial phase of my career, my primary focus was in orthopaedics and sports medicine. However, I later transitioned my practice to specialize in pelvic physical therapy, and I've been dedicated to this area ever since. My expertise covers a broad spectrum of pelvic health concerns for female, male and non-binary patients. I address conditions such as constipation, urinary and fecal urgency/frequency/incontinence, pelvic pain, genital pain, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), pregnancy and postpartum pain and dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, low back/hip/pelvic girdle and sacroiliac joint disorders, abdominal pain, scar tissue restriction and pain, core weakness and instability. Additionally, I specialize in post-surgical recovery following gynecological, prostate, cancer, and gender affirmation surgeries, as well as addressing cancer treatment-related problems, including sexual dysfunction, post-surgical and post-radiation management.

My journey in physical therapy began during high school when I worked part-time as an acute care physical therapy rehab aide. Within the first week, I knew that becoming a physical therapist was my calling.

In my practice, I am committed to providing patients with the necessary support and tools to achieve their goals. Beyond the clinic, I am an avid runner who finds joy in exercising and spending as much time outdoors as possible. My love for an active lifestyle complements my professional commitment to promoting health and wellness.

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