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John A Heinbockel, MD, MSEE


Photo of John A Heinbockel

About me

My name is John Heinbockel, M.D., and I joined the Department of Anesthesiology as an assistant professor in 2023, with a focus on neurosurgical diseases and liver, kidney, and pancreas transplants. I received my bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Central Florida and my medical degree from the University of South Florida. I completed my anesthesiology residency at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

I was an engineer prior to medical school and was encouraged to pursue medicine by a family friend who was a surgeon. In medical school, I fell in love with anesthesiology during a summer research project. My current focus is on neurocognitive disorders during surgical operations and working with transplant patients. I’m also interested in working with engineering students to develop projects which will improve our anesthesia delivery.

I’m a fifth-generation Floridian on my mother’s side, with my family history tracing back to the 1810s. In my free time, I enjoy hiking and swimming. I have competed in many U.S. Master’s Swimming competitions and have hiked trails in several states.

I am thoroughly committed to providing my patients the best care possible during surgery. I love what I do and look forward to caring for you and helping you to heal and recover.

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