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Jonathan K Hu, MD

Retina Specialist

Photo of Jonathan K Hu

About me

My name is Jonathan Hu, MD. I grew up in the Tampa Bay, Florida area and went to college at Harvard University. I completed my medical school and residency training in ophthalmology at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Subsequently, I completed a fellowship in vitreoretinal surgery at Kresge Eye Institute in Detroit. I worked in the Northeast before returning to UF to join the Ophthalmology Department in 2022.

I was motivated to pursue ophthalmology and specifically retina because of the impact we can make in our patients' lives. Ophthalmology is a very dynamic, visual field. I enjoy showing and explaining to patients why they are having ocular issues. Thankfully, we have many treatment options available in our field and continue to develop new treatment methodologies. When I look back, the advances in our ability to treat blinding diseases are truly tremendous. While we still have more to do, I feel fortunate to be able to help patients continue to maintain their vision and independence.

In addition to my clinical work, I currently serve as the Associate Program Director for the residency program. I enjoy helping train the next generation of physicians and try to pay forward the instruction and expertise my mentors shared with me.

Outside of work, I am blessed to have a wonderful family. My wife is a neonatologist in the pediatrics department at UF and we are lucky to have the opportunity to work and collaborate at the same institution. We enjoy traveling and watching our son grow up surrounded by family and friends in Gainesville.

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Active clinical trials


This study will determine the safety and effectiveness of the Artisan Aphakia Lens when used as a secondary implant to correct aphakia in adults.

Jonathan K Hu
Accepting Candidates
22 Years - N/A

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