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Joseph P H McNamara, PhD


Photo of Joseph P H McNamara

Research at a glance

Top areas of exploration

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder , 13 publications
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , 10 publications
  • Anxiety , 9 publications
  • Milk , 9 publications

Research activity

64 publications

1,542 citations

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My publications

64 publications


Expectations and perspectives of cognitive behavioural therapy for childhood anxiety and related disorders.

Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy

PubMed Publisher's site


Implementation and Preliminary Outcomes of an Exposure-Based Summer Camp for Pediatric OCD and Anxiety.

Behavior therapy

PubMed Publisher's site


Assessing the predictors of adaptive and maladaptive Covid-19 preventive behaviours: an application of protection motivation theory.

Psychology, health & medicine

PubMed Publisher's site


Relationships between stress appraisals and intolerance of uncertainty with psychological health during early COVID-19 in the USA.

Anxiety, stress, and coping

PubMed Publisher's site


An examination of obsessive-compulsive symptom domains, depression, and quality of life within an online survey sample.

Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic

PubMed Publisher's site