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Joseph R Buda, LMT

Massage Therapist

Photo of Joseph R Buda

My bio

Hi, I'm Joseph Buda, I am a licensed massage therapist at UF Health. I completed my training in at the Florida School of Massage, specializing in medical therapeutic, deep tissue, pregnancy, stress and anxiety, neuromuscular, trigger point, scar tissue and PTSD massage techniques.

My journey into massage therapy stems from a lifelong appreciation for the healing power of touch, both in giving and receiving. I've always been drawn to the idea of being a therapist who facilitates those transformative moments for my patients. My ultimate aim is for them to leave my therapy session feeling like they've experienced the best massage of their lives.

Every session I conduct is driven by a sincere desire to contribute to my clients' well-being. I strive to help them not only relax but also to achieve a state of better health and condition than when they first entered my treatment space. To enhance my skills, I am dedicated to ongoing learning about the intricacies of the human body, seeking ways to refine and improve my techniques as a professional therapist.

Beyond my work as a massage therapist, I have a passion for scuba diving, a hobby that complements my commitment to healing those in need.
