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Joshua J Cooper, PT, DPT : Bio and credentials

Physical Therapist

Photo of Joshua J Cooper

My bio

My name is Joshua Cooper, I am a physical therapist at UF Health. I earned bachelor's degree in health science, and then pursued my doctorate in physical therapy.

I am a board-certified neurologic physical therapist, specializing in progressive neurological diseases and movement disorders. My focus encompasses a range of conditions, including Parkinson's disease, atypical Parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, essential tremor, ataxia, balance impairments, post-concussion syndrome, vestibular disorders and more.

My journey into the field of physical therapy is rooted in a lifelong connection to healthcare—my mother's profession as a nurse inspired my own path. As a physical therapist, my passion lies in assisting individuals in returning to the activities they enjoy after an injury or diagnosis. I am driven by a goal to educate patients about their conditions, empowering them to manage and overcome their impairments, injuries, or diagnoses to optimize their quality of life.

I take pride in being an African American board-certified neurologic physical therapist. Recognizing the underrepresentation of minorities in the field, I aspire to serve as an example for future generations. It is my hope that my journey encourages and inspires others to pursue careers in physical therapy, fostering diversity and inclusion in our profession.
