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Michael Lauzardo, MD, MSc

Infectious Disease Specialist

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Photo of Michael Lauzardo

About me

Michael Lauzardo, MD, MSc, is an associate professor within the division of infectious diseases and global medicine. Also serving as the director of the CDC funded Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center (SNTC) at the University of Florida, he has been involved in public health, teaching and patient care within the College of Medicine since 1997. Trained as an internist and pulmonologist, throughout his career he has been involved in the clinical care of patients with tuberculosis. He has also played a key role with the Florida Department of Health, serving as the Deputy TB Controller for the Florida TB Program and is currently the director of the Florida TB Physicians Network. Previously, he was the chief of the division of infectious diseases and global medicine. His clinical practice and research centers around tuberculosis among at-risk populations and he is involved in various international health activities.

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My research

Top areas of exploration

  • Tuberculosis , 20 publications
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis , 16 publications
  • Antitubercular Agents , 12 publications
  • Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , 11 publications

Research activity

61 publications

879 citations

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Stories and news

UF Health expert discusses COVID-19 booster shots

September 14, 2021

As the delta variant of the coronavirus persists, federal officials are urgently studying the safety and effectiveness of a third dose of COVID-19 mRNA…

Department of Medicine, +4 more

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