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Rachel M Butterfield, PT, DPT

Physical Therapist

Photo of Rachel M Butterfield

My bio

My name is Rachel Butterfield, I am a physical therapist at UF Health. I earned my doctorate in physical therapy from the University of North Florida. My focus within physical therapy is in pediatrics.

What brings me the greatest joy in my work is being an integral part of my patients' journeys. Connecting with them regularly, typically 1-2 times a week, allows me to build meaningful relationships with both the patients and their families. Witnessing my patients achieve new milestones and gain new skills fills me with pride and happiness, knowing that I played a role in their progress.

As a physical therapist, my overarching goal is to provide unwavering support to families and guide them through the rehabilitation process with a kind face and a loving heart. I believe in making physical therapy an enjoyable experience for my patients, fostering an environment where they look forward to our next session.

Beyond my professional life, I find joy in horseback riding, particularly in the discipline of hunter/jumping. Additionally, I am the proud parent of two wonderful little girls, a role that brings its own set of joys and fulfillment.
