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S Parrish Winesett, MD

Pediatric Neurologist

Photo of S Parrish Winesett

About me

Hello, my name is Steven Parrish Winesett, MD, and I am a board-certified pediatric neurologist and pediatric epileptologist. I have extensive experience with complex epilepsy, including pre-surgical evaluations and advanced EED monitoring. I also have expertise in nonpharmagologic treatments for epilepsy, including vagal nerve stimulation and special diets, such as the ketogenic diet and the modified Atkins diet.

I graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in microbiology and received my medical degree from the University of South Florida. I trained in pediatrics and internal medicine at the University of South Florida, child neurology at Vanderbilt University and epilepsy at the University of South Florida.

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My research

Top areas of exploration

  • Seizures , 4 publications
  • Diet, Ketogenic , 3 publications
  • Drug Resistant Epilepsy , 3 publications
  • Receptors, Calcium-Sensing , 2 publications

Research activity

18 publications

262 citations

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