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Steven Sidelsky, MD, PharmD


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Photo of Steven Sidelsky

About me

My name is Steven A. Sidelsky, MD, PharmD, and I am a University of Florida urologist at UF Health Urology Halifax.

I completed my undergraduate training at Loyola University Chicago prior to receiving a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Midwestern University Chicago College of Pharmacy, where I graduated as class valedictorian. Following, I went on to complete a medical degree at Rush Medical College in Chicago, Illinois, where I graduated as class salutatorian and was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honors Medical Society.

I completed my general surgery internship and urology residency at the prestigious University of Chicago Medicine in Chicago, Illinois, where I trained extensively in minimally invasive and robotic surgical techniques.

As a physician, I strive to provide the highest quality and individualized care for my patients. I provide comprehensive urologic care with a focus on minimally invasive procedures for a wide range of benign and malignant urologic disorders. I have a special clinical and surgical interest in robotic surgery, management of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), laser treatment for kidney stone disease, erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. I also provide up-to-date and cutting-edge treatment options for cancers of the kidney, bladder and prostate.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family including my wife, two young children and pet dog, Jake. You can usually find me on the beach soaking up the Florida sunshine.

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