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Treats Adults and Children

Susan M Tillman, PT : Bio and credentials

Physical Therapist

Photo of Susan M Tillman

My bio

Hey there, I'm Susan Tillman, a physical therapist at UF Health. My journey into the field began at the University of Florida, where I earned my bachelor's degree in physical therapy. I hold several certifications, including being a board-certified clinical specialist in sports physical therapy through the American Physical Therapy Association, and a certified strength and conditioning specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. My expertise lies in sports related and post-operative conditions, serving athletes at various levels, from professional and Olympic to collegiate, high school and weekend warrior athletes.

My personal experience with multiple injuries during my sports career exposed me to the profound impact that physical therapy can have on one's health and well-being. This realization ignited my passion for becoming a physical therapist, driven by the desire to help others on their journey to recovery.

As a physical therapist, my goal is to collaborate closely with my patients, empowering them to achieve the best possible outcomes and reach their goals. I believe that building a strong professional relationship and effective communication are essential for understanding the nuances of each patient's recovery journey. Through this understanding, I work with them to develop individualized plans tailored to their specific needs and aspirations.

In addition to my clinical role, I serve as the manager of clinical operations for the outpatient rehab department. I've been privileged to be a team physical therapist for the University of Florida Gator athletes for over 20 years. I contribute to the academic community by lecturing annually in the University of Florida Physical Therapy program, focusing on topics such as the knee, residency programs and blood flow restriction therapy. Furthermore, I am a clinical mentor for our UF Health Sports Physical Therapy Residency program.

Outside of work, I find joy in traveling with my dog in my campervan, exploring state and national parks across the United States and Canada. I also love hiking, kayaking, indulging in photography and immersing myself in the beauty of nature.

Board certifications

  • Board Certified Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy

    American Physical Therapy Association

  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

    National Strength and Conditioning Association
