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Thorsten Haas, MD


Photo of Thorsten Haas

My bio

My name is Thorsten Haas, M.D., and I joined the UF College of Medicine in 2022 as the director of patient blood management and professor of anesthesiology in the division of Multispecialty Anesthesiology. I received my medical degree from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany, where I also began the first part of my residency in anesthesiology. I completed my residency at Dr. Horst Schmitt Kliniken in Wiesbaden, Germany, and Innsbruck Medical University in Austria.

Prior to joining UF, I worked in pediatric anesthesiology, implementing a blood management program for patients at the Zurich University Children’s Hospital in Switzerland and collaborating with colleagues around the world on viscoelastic testing, clinical training, as a presenter at conferences, and as an author on over 70 peer-reviewed publications.

I believe in an effective, honest, empathetic doctor-patient relationship. Every patient is unique and I listen carefully to their needs and fears. My research interests include point-of-care coagulation testing and perioperative coagulation management, with a focus on the use of coagulation factors during major pediatric surgeries.

Aside from my career in medicine, which was a childhood dream, I am also the proudest grandpa on Earth.


  • Anesthesiology Residency

    Innsbruck Medical University, 2001-2004

  • M.D.

    Johannes Gutenburg University, 1992-1998


