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Vicki M Lukert, PT

Physical Therapist

Photo of Vicki M Lukert

About me

Hello, I'm Vicki Lukert, a physical therapist at UF Health. My journey into this field began with a diploma of physiotherapy from the Auckland School of Physiotherapy in New Zealand, and I furthered my expertise with a pelvic rehabilitation practitioner certification from Herman and Wallace.

In my practice, I specialize in pelvic health physical therapy for female, male and non-binary patients. My scope includes addressing a wide range of conditions such as constipation, urinary and fecal urgency/frequency/incontinence, pelvic pain, genital pain, dyspareunia (painful intercourse), dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), pregnancy and postpartum pain and dysfunction, pelvic organ prolapse, low back/hip/pelvic girdle and sacroiliac joint disorders, abdominal pain, scar tissue restriction and pain and core weakness and instability. I also provide post-surgical recovery support following gynecological, prostate, cancer and gender affirmation surgeries, including addressing cancer treatment-related issues such as sexual dysfunction, post-surgical and post-radiation management.

One of my particular passions lies in pediatric pelvic health, where I specialize in treating children with constipation, enuresis (daytime urine incontinence), nocturnal enuresis (night-time bed-wetting), encopresis (fecal incontinence), delayed potty training, abdominal and pelvic pain. I also work with babies experiencing colic, constipation, abdominal pain, fussiness, gassiness, reflux and difficulty with feeding.

My journey into physiotherapy wasn't initially clear, but three people close to me recognized my potential and suggested I become a physiotherapist. Following their advice, I explored the field, and it quickly became my chosen path.

Outside of my professional life, I find joy in golfing, fishing and gardening. Staying active is a priority for me, and I maintain a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and a nutritious diet. I was also born and raised in New Zealand!

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