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UF Health Ocala Neighborhood Hospital


2100 NW 35th Avenue Road
Ocala, FL 34475
Directions, parking and more

Phone Numbers

Appointment (352) 820-7400

Hours of Operation

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Left side of UF Health Ocala Neighborhood Hospital

University of Florida Health is bringing its warm patient care and nationally recognized medical expertise to Ocala with a new neighborhood hospital.

The 150,000-square-foot hospital includes 10 emergency department rooms, 10 inpatient rooms, a medical imaging center, four surgical operating rooms and other features. The three-story facility also has an outpatient center for lab draws, the UF Health Rehab Clinic – Ocala, an anesthesia pre-operative center, physician office space and room for future expansion.

The hospital’s emergency facilities include seven emergency examination rooms as well one exam room each for consult, triage and trauma. In addition to the operating rooms, the surgery center has 12 pre- and post-operative beds. The imaging center includes two general x-ray rooms, two computerized tomography (CT) rooms, an ultrasound room and one magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) suite. On the second and third floors, patients can find physical therapy and rehabilitation services, the anesthesia pre-operative center and physicians’ offices.

UF Health is Now a National Medical Center for Team USA

We are here to proudly champion Team USA’s health as the newest member of the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Medical Network, providing elite athletes access to the same world-class health care available to you and your family.

Athlete Grant Holloway jumping hurdles with Olympics logos overlaid at the top of the image

Within Ocala Neighborhood Hospital

Meeting your health care needs

For your convenience and peace of mind

  • Accessibility

    Aids and services are available to help people with disabilities communicate effectively.

  • Baby-Changing Station

    Baby-changing stations are available in many of UF Health's restrooms.

  • Free Wifi

    Patients and guests get free wireless internet access at UF Health hospitals.

  • Interpreters / Hearing Impaired

    UF Health provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English.

  • Medical Records

    You can download a form or call (352) 594-0909 to have medical records mailed or faxed.

  • Notary Public

    Notary services are available to patients and visitors Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Smoke-Free

    Smoking, chewing tobacco, or using electronic cigarettes is prohibited on UF Health properties.

  • Social Services

    Social workers are part of the patient's care team and work with medical staff and nurses.

  • Gender-Neutral Restroom

    Gender-neutral, public restrooms are located throughout UF Health's properties.

  • Virtual Care

    In some cases, UF Health offers telehealth care via a desktop computer, smartphone, or tablet.