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The pelvic health program at UF Health Rehab is dedicated to providing excellent patient care to women, men and children. Specialized pelvic health physical therapists improve quality of life, which empowers people to manage their care independently and return to a functional lifestyle. We are dedicated to treating our patients with compassion, creativity, respect and confidentiality.

Pelvic pain, constipation and voiding dysfunction

Pelvic pain is any pain from the waist to upper thigh and may be located in the perineum, abdomen, bladder, genitals, vagina or rectum. For women, this may include pain associated with intercourse, menstruation, ovulation, endometriosis, pre- and post-partum pain. Pelvic pain in men may include pain related to the abdomen, perineum, coccyx, rectum, bladder, urethra, penis, testicles, groin and back. Often prostatitis type pain is of musculoskeletal origin and can be helped by the Pelvic Health PT. Pain can be experienced with or post ejaculation, which can affect erectile and sexual function. Causes may vary for each individual, and for some patients, the cause may be unknown.

Scar-related pain can create pain and dysfunction in both men and women. Abdominopelvic scars include, but are not limited to, appendectomy, ileostomy, hysterectomy, C-section, episiotomy, hernia repair and vasectomy scars.

We treat patients with constipation, urine and fecal voiding dysfunction. These may include patients with mild to severe urgency and frequency of urination associated with overactive bladder syndrome, painful bladder syndrome and interstitial cystitis, as well as urgency and frequency of feces associated with irritable bowel syndrome.
