Bereavement services can help family members realize and accept the grief process as a normal response to the loss of a loved one.
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Palliative and supportive care helps patients diagnosed with serious and life-limiting illness.
Here at UF Health, we carefully evaluate each person as a whole and unique individual, then develop a comprehensive treatment plan based on the patient’s goals of care to relieve physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering. Our overall goal is to improve and enhance the quality of life for patients and their families, so they can live each day to the fullest.
Bereavement services can help family members realize and accept the grief process as a normal response to the loss of a loved one.
Our pastors, social workers, and staff are here to support you through this time.
Resources for health care professionals.
Meet our team of care givers and support workers.
Palliative care, also known as supportive care, comes from the Latin root pallium, which refers to an outer garment that cloaks a person. Palliative care “cloaks” the symptoms of illness, adding quality to each day.
Palliative care is delivered by an interdisciplinary team, including:
Palliative care is different from Hospice care, as it is appropriate at any age, from pediatrics to geriatrics, and at any stage of a serious illness. It can be used in conjunction with curative treatment such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Hospice is appropriate when a person is diagnosed with a terminal condition and their life expectancy is less than 6 months, and the person has no further curative options or chooses to not pursue treatment.
UF Health has adopted the World Health Organization definition and mission of palliative care delivery. Our goals include:
Over the past year and a half, some of our most vulnerable populations — those who are elderly, disabled or suffering from chronic health conditions — faced an…
Bereavement program will host second annual Adult Fall Remembrance Ceremony Dec. 6 The UF Health Palliative Care team will host the second annual Adult Fall…